Topic Reading-Vol.2102-1/12/2018

MEL School 三鷹


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Topic Reading-Vol.2102-1/12/2018

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2018/01/12 Topic Reading-Vol.2102-1/12/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Evan Edinger: The five ways YouTubers make money

A YouTuber is a person who uploads, produces, or appears in videos on the video-sharing website YouTube, according to Oxford Living Dictionary. Many young people want to be a YouTuber because the job seems fun, intriguing, and rewarding from their perspectives. Since they spend quite a bit of time on YouTube videos, much longer than on TV screen or paper books, it is quite natural for them to have a desire to be a creator of such popular entertainment product.

But how much money do they make? Of course, the answers vary by the person you ask. There are several revenue sources YouTuber could have. The most lucrative one now, according to one successful YouTuber, is to make videos about company’s products in exchange for cash, just like outsourcing or freelancing of creative works. Other revenue sources include AdSense, Patreon, Affiliate links, and Merchandise. Are you familiar with these terms?

Enjoy reading and learning these YouTube terms, and think if you want to produce creative videos to make some money.

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