Topic Reading-Vol.2261-6/20/2018

MEL School 三鷹


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Topic Reading-Vol.2261-6/20/2018

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2018/06/20 Topic Reading-Vol.2261-6/20/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Trump Kim summit: Imagine a North Korean family

Was that really the pressure by US military or its key-ally China that had pushed North Korea’s dictator to risk traveling to Singapore to shake hands with Trump?

Indeed, Kim Jong-un is an absolute dictator of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He can rule and decide any matters of his country, military, and government as well as the fate of 25 million-or-so people in his realm. No matter how closely related a person is to him, even a brother, uncle, or long-term mentor, he or she is never free from capital punishment, not to mention the traitors and defectors.

Is he fearless? Not really. He’s always afraid of assassination by anyone including his closest aides, generals, and even his own bodyguards. He is also worried if his people might revolt against his regime.

Here is a presumed story of an ordinary family in this highly secretive country.

Enjoy reading and learn what the life of an ordinary family is like in North Korea.

MEL School 三鷹
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