Topic Reading-Vol.2337-9/4/2018

MEL School 三鷹


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Topic Reading-Vol.2337-9/4/2018

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2018/09/04 Topic Reading-Vol.2337-9/4/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

China targets video gaming to tackle myopia in children

Video games are to blame for myopia. Looking intensely at a tiny display of the smartphone for hours, mobile gaming has been viewed as one of the most likely causes of nearsightedness among young children in China, the world largest gaming market. The world most populous country has over 500 million visually impaired citizens, nearly half the population over K-1 students. And China is quick to act on solving critical problems, drastically and thoroughly. Now, the authorities have started limiting the number of new online games, playing time, and restricting the age of players. In fact, a newly released world top-selling game title, Monster Hunter World, was removed from the online shelves. The shares of the developer, Tencent, the fifth most valued company in the world, and other game developers plumped in a few days. Now they have left no choice but to look for the international market.

What about cram schools that make children stare at textbooks for long hours every day?

Enjoy reading the article and think if the time to study also should be limited like games.

Also, here is a China Daily’s article about the Chinese government initiatives.

Give our children a ‘bright future’

MEL School 三鷹
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