Topic Reading-Vol.2175-3/26/2018

MEL School 三鷹


〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階

電話受付/月〜金 9:00-18:00


Topic Reading-Vol.2175-3/26/2018

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2018/03/26 Topic Reading-Vol.2175-3/26/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Burger-flipping robot begins first shift

Grilling burger patties. It is a pleasing task when you make burgers for your family or friends on the weekend. But it isn’t a kind of job most people want, especially at a burger restaurant where a griller has to endure doing the same work in a hot, greasy environment all day long, on every working day. It is regarded as one of the most popular unskilled jobs though it requires a thorough implementation of the standard procedure. Can a robot do the job?

Yes. A California burger chain has introduced a burger-flipping robot, called Flippy, to its 50 restaurant locations. The $60,000 robot, which is capable of grilling up to 12 burgers at once, is now taking over human grillers in the unpopular environment. Though it still makes mistakes time to time that humans can possibly do, it keeps flipping burgers all day long without complaining or taking a break. Powered and controlled by image recognition and heat sensing technology, Flippy knows which burgers need flipping precisely to grill burgers to perfection.

All this hard-working robot needs is $12,000 monthly running cost and regular maintenance.

Enjoy watching the video and think which burger you’d like to bite, human-made, or robot flipped.

MEL School 三鷹

住所 〒181-0013 東京都三鷹市下連雀3-33-13 三鷹第二ビル101
営業時間:電話受付13時~18時 定休日:日曜日