Topic Reading-Vol.3397-7/30/2021

MEL School 三鷹


〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階

電話受付/月〜金 9:00-18:00


Topic Reading-Vol.3397-7/30/2021

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2021/07/30 Topic Reading-Vol.3397-7/30/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

How to stop talking in your sleep

Do you talk while sleeping? Or, do you know if you talk in your sleep? Researchers say over two-thirds of sleepers seem to talk at some point. Some people speak just a few words and others speak a complete sentence or more. The true cause of sleep talk isn’t known yet, so genetics, alcohol, and stress are to blame, just like any other unknown symptoms. The most common word of sleep talk was found to be “No.” As people don’t say no when they are happy, it is probably right to say that the sleeper is under stress or in trouble in their dream. Even though talking while asleep is annoying to the partner, it doesn’t seem to be harmful. But if you’re worried, typical remedies are recommended to have a sound sleep, such as reducing stress, caffeine, and alcohol, as well as keeping regular hours.

Enjoy reading the article to learn about sleep talking and watching the video about how to have a sound sleep.

MEL School 三鷹
住所 〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階