Topic Reading-Vol.3540-12/20/2021

MEL School 三鷹


〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階

電話受付/月〜金 9:00-18:00


Topic Reading-Vol.3540-12/20/2021

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2021/12/20 Topic Reading-Vol.3540-12/20/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Narendra Modi’s Twitter account hacked with announcement India would adopt Bitcoin

Twitter or any other social network platform seems to provide equal service and security to its all users. Recently, the prime minister of India found that his account had tweeted a message that announced an acceptance of Bitcoin as legal tender in his country, which the nation doesn’t. Though the tweet was deleted shortly, how many of his 70 million-plus followers had been surprised by the message wasn’t clear. Indeed, even for a prime minister, it is just one of the hundreds of millions of Twitter accounts, each of which has the same level of security and opportunities. If the message had been a warning of a nuclear attack or a moratorium, what sort of confusion or reaction could have been created? You may wonder if world political or military leaders should use direct public communication means like SNSs, which could be hacked or manipulated by someone else at any time.

Read the article and think about what you would do if you read a message from the PM or president about an immediate nationwide lockdown to contain the novel virus.

MEL School 三鷹
住所 〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階