Topic Reading-Vol.3297-4/21/2021

MEL School 三鷹


〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階

電話受付/月〜金 9:00-18:00


Topic Reading-Vol.3297-4/21/2021

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2021/04/21 Topic Reading-Vol.3297-4/21/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

The remarkable power of Australian kelp

Kelp is a large, brown alga that is found in cold, coastal marine waters around the world. It grows very fast, as much as 60 cm a day without fertilizer. Kelp provides nutrition for a wide range of sea life like other species of seaweed. People in Eastern Asia also farm and eat kelp and other kinds of seaweed because of its high nutritional value, including vitamins K, A, C, E, B12, and B6 and mineral. As it is also used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, Kelp and other seaweeds produce valuable ingredients for humans. Recently, seaweed has been farmed in other parts of the world to combat climate change. Just like any other land flora, seaweed takes carbon out of the atmosphere by its photosynthesis process and brings the carbon to deep oceans. Also, it helps restore the surrounding marine environment by lowering the acidity levels. Surprisingly, when cows are fed seaweed, they produce less methane from their burps and farts, which is also a greenhouse gas. All in all, this fast, cheap, and easy to grow sea plant seems to be a promising contributor to people’s health and the planet’s environment.

Enjoy reading the article and watching the video and learn more about the benefits of seaweed.

MEL School 三鷹
住所 〒181-0013 東京都三鷹市下連雀3-33-13 三鷹第二ビル101