Topic Reading-Vol.3650-4/9/2022

MEL School 三鷹


〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階

電話受付/月〜金 9:00-18:00


Topic Reading-Vol.3650-4/9/2022

英語で世界を知ろう!Topic Reading

2022/04/09 Topic Reading-Vol.3650-4/9/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Islamophobia rises in France as presidential election nears

Islamophobia is a term used to describe irrational hostility, fear, or hatred of Islam, Muslims, and Islamic culture, and active discrimination against these groups or individuals within them. Typical examples of attitudes, behaviors, and practices include physical or verbal attacks on property, places of worship, and people, verbal or online threats of violence, and abuse, and discrimination in education, employment, housing, or access to goods and services. In France, whose population is just over 67 million, there are about 5.7 million French Muslims living across the country, the largest Muslim population in western Europe. Unfortunately, many of those French Muslims seem to feel unfairly treated. They claim that discrimination, racial violence, and reactionary politics against their community are common everywhere and to everyone. In a survey conducted on Muslim emigrants from France, around 70% of the respondents said discrimination and racism were the main reason for leaving France. Is there any place where there is no racial or religious bias? Can we be fair to minorities?

Enjoy reading the article and think how

MEL School 三鷹
住所 〒180-0006 東京都武蔵野市中町2-3-5 IIHA武蔵野1階